Today we are living in a world with so many competing ideas, which makes it even more critical to understand why we believe what we believe and what we can do to uphold those beliefs. We are starting this blog to talk through those ideas and “Leave No Doubt” as to why we should hold them close to our hearts and act on them.
In the Leave No Doubt blog we will touch on several issue and topics, but the main themes will be in three areas: Apologetics, Political Freedom, and Leadership. I am sure we will explore other areas as well, but it became clear in our planning phase that our main focus was to highlight the ideas and beliefs that make Christianity so special. These ideas and beliefs make up a Biblical Christian worldview based on absolute truths which should strengthen the faith of all of us, readers and writers alike.
You might ask why we would discuss political freedom or leadership if our goal is to help people strengthen their Christian worldview. Great question! There seems to be this notion that religion and politics are mutually exclusive and should be kept separate. I am sure you have heard the saying, “Religion has no place in politics,” or “Separation of church and state”. The former couldn’t be further from the truth and the latter is very misunderstood and often twisted in today’s culture. These sayings should really be amended to say something more like, “Governments shouldn’t limit or control religion”. These are two very different ideas. Without going too far down the rabbit hole, I will just say that we Christians should understand the Christian worldview and let that understanding influence us to vote; and to vote in accordance with those beliefs.
The writers of this blog don’t have any special training or degrees in the fields being discussed, nor do we work in these fields. (Actually, we are Information Technology professionals.) We are just three average guys who have spent considerable time studying these topics. This is meant as an encouragement to you. If the three of us can learn these topics, so can you. We look forward to bringing truth to you as we continue to study it ourselves. Our prayer is that God will use this blog to help the readers engage more practically and confidently as Christians in today’s crazy world.
Leave No Doubt – Think Love Share
Terry Szymanski, Jeff Moulton, and Josh Hall