How to Escape a Trafficking Jam…

Of course you can only think for so long, even when you excel at procrastination. Eventually you give in to that voice you hear over and over that is compelling you, dare I say nagging you, to get started. I wish it were my own impetus, but alas; thanks for the encouragement, Sweetheart.

In a little over a month we are doing our third annual O.U.R (Operation Underground Railroad) fundraiser within the last four years.  I know you can’t really call it annual if you skipped a year, but what would you call it then?  The phrase, “We’re excited about our Third One and One Thirds Annual O.U.R. Fundraiser We Do Every 15th Month!” does not roll off the tongue very well.  Besides, it’s really uncomfortable to say.  (All you people who have ever had a bank account at the Fifth Third Bank know what I am talking about.)  Am I right or am I right?

Anyway, it’s a great cause and really needs awareness and support.  We are going to drive the 494/694 loop for 48 hours straight to help raise awareness for the cause.  My goal is to hit every pothole in the course and then visit the chiropractor after dropping the car off at the mechanic.  I hope it sounds crazy enough to get your attention and donate a little to the effort. We will also be live-streaming the whole time and welcoming guests to make it more interesting than a constant monologue by yours truly. I do plan on sleeping at some point. Hopefully no one catches me snoring on the live stream. Besides, the “sleeping face” is not very attractive after the age of two.

Back to serious things, I was blown away by the amount of trafficking that takes place right here in America!  In fact, I never even knew what “human trafficking” really meant until I heard Tim Ballard, CEO of Operation Underground Railroad, speak about it at a convention I attended several years ago.

Wow, what an eye opener.  O.U.R. puts such incredible action behind their message. Even their corporate promise stirs your heart…

“To the children, who we pray for daily, we say:  Your long night is coming to an end. Hold on, we are on our way.

And to those captors and perpetrators, even you monsters who dare offend God’s precious children, we declare to you: Be afraid, we are coming for you.

To those who have read this far, we plead with you: Donate to our cause.  Donate. We can’t do this without you.”

Wow.  Makes you want to go fight a communist or something.

Better yet, why not be a part of the cause to save children from this horrendous crime? Not everyone can be as tough, gritty, and Navy-Seal like as Tim Ballard and me, but we can all make a small difference by giving a little bit of time or money.  Have you ever felt guilty because you donated some money to a charity that seemed important and then just went on your way without ever really giving it a second thought?  I have two points to make if that is you:

First, you shouldn’t feel guilty because without people who give a little here and a little there, a lot of causes and a lot of good work would never get done.  So, I thank you. The kids who are rescued because a lot of people gave a little would thank you also – with never-ending gratitude.

And secondly, of course, we should feel compelled!  My goodness, we are so blessed to live in such a time and place as the United States of America in 2020, regardless of our challenges. Most of us reading this will never know the horrors of being a victim of human trafficking.

OK, hope to see you on the loop, punching a Commie or First in line at the Fifth Third Bank!

Here’s the link. Donate now.

Leave No Doubt,

Think. Love. Share.

Pluto McFarland (aka: Terry Szymanski)