Wait, What? – Why You Are Driving Around 494/694 loop for 48 hours?

As a kick-off to the Leave No Doubt Blog (leavenodoubt.blog), we wanted to do something special yet slightly crazy! We will be driving around the 494/694 loop in Minneapolis/St Paul for 48 hours straight while stopping only for gasoline and to pick up special guests (and to use the facilities :-)). AAAAND, wait for it……..we will be live streaming the entire event!!

Why would we do this? Great question. Our blog is about bringing truth to people and living out our Christian faith. We couldn’t think of a better way to do that than by bringing awareness to a cause that doesn’t get nearly enough attention and thus hopefully make a difference in the lives of some of the millions of victims. So here’s the plan: We will be driving the loop to bring awareness to the modern day slave practice of Human/Sex Trafficking. All money raised will go directly to Operation Underground Railroad (O.U.R.), who are actively rescuing and rehabilitating victims worldwide. The Leave No Doubt Blog authors and contributors will be covering all expenses so 100% of the funds raised can go directly to this worthy cause. OUR GOAL IS TO RAISE $20,000 BETWEEN NOW AND OCTOBER 4TH WHEN THIS EVENT CONCLUDES.

Here are a few statistics to show why we should ALL care about this issue. It is more than heartbreaking when you know what is happening to innocent victims all over the world. In fact, it is most likely happening in your own state and town. Go ahead. Google it.

  • It is a $150 billion industry with $99 billion from commercial sexual exploitation (For comparison, the NFL makes about 8.1 billion a year and McDonalds in the US makes about 37.5 billion)
  • There are 30 million enslaved worldwide.
  • Two million children are currently used as sex slaves.
  • The average age of a girl entering sex trafficking in the USA is 12 to 14 years old, but kids as young as two are victimized as well.
  • The biggest demand for child sex traffic comes from the USA.

Here is what you can do to help.

  1. Go to our very cool Facebook page LND.TLS. Like, Follow, and Share our page.
  2. Donate a LOT of money. Here is the Go Fund Me page. Please share that page as well.
  3. Watch and share the live stream event on October 2nd – 4th. Although it is a heavy topic, the event will be Fun, Fun, Fun , and MORE FUN!!!

We look forward to hearing from you on our Facebook page. Don’t forget to put this BIG spectacular event which will eclipse anything else you have planned for that weekend. Join us in this worthy cause!! Thank you!

Leave No Doubt – Think. Love. Share