Welcome To The “Leave No Doubt” Blog

We live in such a crazy world where it is getting harder and harder to know fact from fiction; what is real and what is being made up or manipulated.  As I write this, we are in week 11 of the COVID-19 stay at home shutdown.  Did the government do the right thing by closing all the businesses considered nonessential and creating such an economic burden?  I honestly don’t know, as the data is all over the place and being reported differently in contrasting views all over the place.  It is hard to tell what is real, who really has the correct data, and/or if it is being interpreted correctly.  This post is not looking to solve the above problem, but to show why the writers are starting this blog. 

Living in a world with so many competing ideas, it is even more critical today to understand why we believe what we believe and what we can do to uphold those beliefs.  We are starting this blog to talk through those ideas and “Leave No Doubt” as to why we should hold them close to our hearts and actively defend them.  

In Leave No Doubt Blog we will touch on several issue and topics, but the main themes will be in three areas: Apologetics, Political Freedom, and Leadership.  I am sure we will delve into other areas as well, but as we were in the pre-planning stages we decided to focus mostly on the ideas and beliefs that make Christianity so special.  This blog and its writers we will be looking to bring forth truth from the biblical Christian worldview to help strengthen people’s (including the writers’) commitment to Christ and the biblical Christian worldview.   

So why touch on politics or bring up the COVID question if our goal is to help people strengthen their Christian Worldview?  Great question!  There seems to be this notion that religion and politics are two different things and should be kept separate.  I am sure you have heard the saying, “Religion has no place in politics”. This couldn’t be further from the truth.  It should really be amended to say something more like, “Governments shouldn’t limit or control religion.”  Those are two very different things.  I could go into reasons now, but for the sake of time and to adhere to the the purpose of this post, we will address that in later blog posts.  I will just say this: As Christians, we have an obligation to understand the Christian worldview and employ our understanding of it in the exercise of our right to vote.. 

Terry, Josh, and Jeff are looking forward to bringing truth to you via this blog.  Our prayer is that God will use this blog to help people build a closer relationship to him and feel more confident in engaging practically in our crazy world today.  Keep Safe and Leave No Doubt!