Well, 2020 has been some year so far. TOTAL CRAZINESS, including the following: COVID-19, economic shutdown, mandatory mask wearing, wild fires, riots, political unrest, schools closing, unexpected work from home, a run on essential supplies, gun supply shortages, and crazy political groups emerging (both right and left wing) …. just to name a few. None of these things really turn my stomach, though. Don’t get me wrong. They all need to be discussed and addressed. They should all make us uncomfortable, but none of them are what really turns my stomach.
What really turns my stomach is Human and Child Sex Trafficking! It happens right under our noses and hardly any attention is brought to the issue. A child in America is 66,667 times more likely to be sold in human trafficking than to die of COVID-19. I am honestly not sure about the accuracy of this statistic, but even if it was “only” ten times more likely, it is still a travesty. It makes my stomach turn just thinking about the terrible crimes perpetrated on these vulnerable children. To make things worse, most of the other issues actually make it easier for traffickers to steal and sell children by presenting the means or providing the necessary distractions.
We can’t do much about the aforementioned list except be informed voters (which we all should be), but we can all do something about trafficking. There are incredible organizations out there fighting trafficking, but they can’t do it alone. They need people like us to help fund the amazing work they are doing and get the word out about the real threat of human trafficking. So, we at LND are doing just that and are asking for your help.
On October 2nd – 4th, 2020, we will be driving around the 494/694 loop in Minneapolis/St. Paul for 48 hours straight to raise awareness and funds to end human trafficking. We are partnering with an amazing organization called Operation Underground Railroad which is on the front lines saving kids and bringing the profiteers to justice. They do amazing work; check them out.
Here is the ask. Donate to the gofundme page here. It doesn’t have to be a lot. Just donate $5.00 and share the challenge with your friends. If just 5,000 people did this, together we would raise $25,000 to help stop the horrific crime of human trafficking. Please take this challenge with us. Donate $5.00 and ask your friends to do the same. Together we can make a difference!!
Leave No Doubt – Think. Love. Share
P.S. – If you want more information about the Drive Around the Loop event, visit our Facebook Page here or check out our other blog articles.